Rough day....Averie is slowly coming out of her coma, but along with that have come the myoclonic seizures :( I don't know how long it will be before I get to see her open those beautiful eyes or smile that gorgeous heart is especially heavy because these were my exact thoughts 6 years ago today...only then I was holding my handsome little boy in my arms as he went home with the Lord.
Following the day to day happenings of a little girl living with a mitochondrial disorder.
Averie Elizabeth

Who is Averie?
Averie passed away Sunday November 13th at 3:33am due to complications of her mitochondrial disorder. My beautiful princess is finally healed and in heaven with her brother :)
Averie is a crazy, beautiful, smart energetic 7 year old who keeps everyone on their toes! Averie has been fighting Alpers since her first seizure in 2004 at the age of 4. Her older brother passed away from Alpers when she was just 1. Just recently she became a big sister for the first time! Averie is strong willed and stubborn...I believe that's what keeps her going on the days her disorder creates obstacles for her. She is my special little girl who I love one cow, two moons and three fences big!
Averie is a crazy, beautiful, smart energetic 7 year old who keeps everyone on their toes! Averie has been fighting Alpers since her first seizure in 2004 at the age of 4. Her older brother passed away from Alpers when she was just 1. Just recently she became a big sister for the first time! Averie is strong willed and stubborn...I believe that's what keeps her going on the days her disorder creates obstacles for her. She is my special little girl who I love one cow, two moons and three fences big!
How did you cope with losing your son Lane? I never realized you had lost a son until I read your profile. I have had a miscarriage before but not full term to the extend of meeting my daughter. I need help and don't know how to pull through. I am so numb..
Hi Amber,
Not sure if you got my earlier comment. I never realized you had a son Lane. I am so sorry and I wanted to know how you did it. Overcame the saddness, I don't know if I am strong enough. I need to know how to pull through Amber..You are so strong and I admire your strength. I don't think I can handle my pain and loss. I never even got to hear her cry.
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