When did I last write a post? FOREVER AGO!!! Little Miss Averie and I have been go go go for weeks now!
We took a trip to North Idaho where Averie spent a week on a farm taking care of animals, riding a horse, getting to play with little kids. and learning to shift a pickup truck! It was so fun! Averie did awesome! The week started off a bit rough because Averie was intimidated by all the new people. She had several days were she didn't want anyone to "look" at her. She would hide her face and pout and cry if anyone talked to her. All of us just persistanly engaged her and slowly but surely she came out of her shell. I was like a flower blooming! She became chatty and her little comedian side came out. She forgot to hide anymore and soon was playing without hesitation! It was wonderful to watch and it gives me hope that school will be successful, even if it just takes some coaxing!

After our trip to Idaho we came back home and Averie finished up her last week of school! She graduated kindergarten with flying colors and was very proud to show me her diploma. It was adorable! Now I just have to prepare MYSELF to release her into the realm of public school! woo eee!
You think I would have been smart and given myself a break, but we took off on another road trip, this time to Southern Idaho. We were both in my cousins wedding, Averie, a flower girl and me, the maid of honor. I noticed it didn't take Averie nearly as long to adjust to all the new people this time and she was out socializing relatively quickly! I definitely think all this as been great for her confidence! She even bravely walked down the aisle with me during the wedding and didn't cry or complain ( if you know Averie, you know that she has a stubborn streak the size of the Mississippi! ). 

All in all the whole month has been fantastic! Averie has been strong and healthy the whole time! No noticeable tremors in her hands and NO seizures! The only problem she has is a hole in her mouth from her FIRST lost tooth! My little girl is getting soooooo big!